Autarcic motorway rest areas
Motorway rest areas are often located out of the way from the main system.
The aim was to develop a toilet facility for motorway rest areas which, without being connected to the public supply and disposal system, produces its own energy supply and minimizes operating costs.
The energy self-sufficient system developed jointly with experts in our network operates exclusively on renewable energy sources such as wind power, vegetable oil, solar energy and photovoltaic. This balanced energy mix ensures that the facility can operate throughout the year regardless of the weather - even in Germany.
A well, combined with a water treatment unit, supplies the toilets with water in drinking quality. The effluent is disposed of via a subterra reed bed purification system.
Integrated into an energy self-sufficient system like this the subterra purification system plays a cost-cutting and environment-friendly role.
Special features of the energy self-sufficient rest area toilet facility:
• Combination of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar power and vegetable oil
• Completely self-sustaining energy supply not connected to public supply and disposal systems
• Operation regardless of weather thanks to energy mix
• Attractive appearance matching the landscape
• application in countries with more sunshine much more effective
