If you have further questions please feel free to contact us or one of our representatives in the different countries in order to send you detailed information or to make an appointment.
Email : info@subterra.de
Joachim Krüger
Pflanzenkläranlagen GmbH
Schloss Duckwitz
17179 Duckwitz
phone: +49 (0) 39972 51 961
FAX: +49 (0) 39972 51 951
For a faster reply please use the contact form .
AGET Cairo
New Maadi, Cairo
EG- Cairo
Tel. +20-2-5192743
Fax. +20-2-5192743
Mobile +20-10-1200092
E-Mail behery27@yahoo.com
Jawed Bomare Architectes
Atelier Excelsior
55, Rue du Fb Saint-Denis
F-77010 Paris
Tel. +33-1-40229090
Fax. +33-1-40220484
Mobile +33-60-9969813
E-Mail jawed.bomare@noos.fr
Sans Mimarlik
Tepecik Mah. Yangi Sokak No8
TR 48400 - BODRUM
Tel. +90-252-3169802
Fax. +90-252-3160426
Mobile +90-533-7414342
E-Mail info@sansmim.com
Internet www.sansmim.com
Z.I. Tazarka
TN-8024 Tazarka
Tel. +216-72-225122
Fax. +216-72-225483
Mobile +216-98-319469
E-Mail tathir@planet.tn |