

A careful planning especially considers the arrangement of the houses in order to avoid building long and expensive pipes. Peripheral and small units clean the sewage where it comes up.

• Korba / Tunesia

- sewage treatment station for a part   of the community
- 50 inhabitants
- 100 sqm
- built in 2004

• Duckwitz, Mecklenburg-Western    Pomerania / Germany

- Community purification system for   63 inhabitants
- 200 sqm spread over 2 reed beds
- GSM- automatic control
- built in 2001

• Klein Jasedow, Mecklenburg-    Western Pomerania/ Germany

- purification system for 49 inhabitants
- 147 sqm reed bed
- built in 2002
- one with personal contribution

• Ecological settlement Braamwisch in    the city of Hamburg/ Germany

- Grey water treatment
- 48 inhabitants
- 90 sqm reed bed
- built in 1999

• Group-solution, Wiebendorf /    Germany

- purification system for 40 inhabitants
- several one family houses
- 120 sqm reed bed (special request   from ministry of Hamburg)
- own pre-treatment for every house
- built in 1998

 Campsites and Areas of Recreation
  Motorway Reststations
  Private Households